
Kick Punch Fu Combat Art
is a Martial Art which is a combination of twelve features of the original martial arts.
It uses highly dynamic technical types of movements of the human body in a combat situation.The training system involves the soul, the mind and the body together to improve the internal and external powers. At the same time it is meant to become a lifestyle. Kick Punch Fu is the art of learning how to respect yourself, the others and everything around you.
Kick Punch Fu Combat Art is a style using the dynamics of action and reaction from fighting movements of attack, defense and counter attack from standing position, using all the techniques of kicking, punching and fencing. Furthermore, it uses take down and throwing with block and lock to the ground techniques. All the movements mentioned above make use of the scientific fighting theories about distance, range, angle, half circle and circle in order to get full control.
Kick Punch Fu Combat Art Word Means
Kick: means any kind of fighting techniques which use the lower body.
Punch: refers to fighting techniques which use the fist and the entire arm
Fu: is short for the English word "full", that is: full fighting, full contact, full control, full feeling and full knowledge of the Kick Punch Fu art.
CombatAll kind of competitions and tournuments in Kick Punch Fu
Art:Artistics of the spirit of fight
Kick Punch Fu Combat Art Dynamics Fight Style
Kick Punch Fu is a style using the dynamics of action and reaction from fighting movements of attack, defense and counter attack from standing position, using all the techniques of kicking, punching and fencing. Furthermore, it uses take down and throwing with block and lock to the ground techniques. All the movements mentioned above make use of the scientific fighting theories about distance, range, angle, half circle and circle in order to get full control.
Kick Punch Fu fighting combat
1- Full Contact
2- Light Contact
4-Just Hands Attack
5- Lock and Block
6-Long Kick Attack
7-Free Fight Style
8-Self Defense Attack
9-Self Defense Full Control
10- just one Touch Attack

Kick Punch Fu Show and demonstration forms
1- Creative Style
2- Musical form Style
3- Self Defense Demo
4- Form Artistic Style
5- Power Breaking (Hard and Soft)